Friday, December 21, 2007

Hot Studs and Hot Action: My Trip to The Golden Compass

Is it weird that I found Sam Elliott the hottest piece in the whole movie? I mean, the flick had Daniel Craig who is something of a manimal (naked picturezzzz!!!) although didn't really get that big of a role in this particular film. I think it's my addiction to crows feet aka laugh lines aka hot hot hot. Sam Elliott is like a million years old (okay 63) but he is Yum! Looking on the interweb I see that he has been in all sorts of movies since Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, but I don't really remember him in anything. Where have I been? According to IMDB his trade mark is "his deep commanding voice," but I think it is clearly the fact that he is a senior sex machine.

Other thoughts: I enjoyed it, and the CGI was a lot better than I had expected. The armored bear fight scene was pretty off-the-hook (it didn't hurt that the voice of Iorek Byrnison was Sir Ian McKellen), and Pan was adorable (Freddie Highmore!) Actually, according to the end credits there were more celebrities doing voices than actually acting. I feel like there were some pretty broad generalizations in the movie, and a lot of time missing (in the book the journey takes forever but in the movie it seemed to be happening in like a week). These were my favorite books as a kid, so I came in with high expectations. They weren't met exactly, but they were at least danced around. For $3 that was enough for me.

Also, Nicole Kidman has serious Botoxface, and injecto-lips to boot. Au Naturale? Yeah right!

Um, p.s. searching for those naked pics led me to this amazing gossip: I love Judi Dench, what a dream.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Boney Magic

Boney M is an incredible band.

Please, everyone, appreciate the brilliance of these two shining ventures into historical fiction (fiction? I can't tell anymore.)

This one is about Ma Baker, who according to wikipedia was "a legendary American alleged criminal from the "public enemy era", when the exploits of gangs of criminals in the Midwest gripped the American people and press," and who according to Boney M "never could cry" but "knew how to die."

This one, my first foray into the world of Boney M almost a year ago, is about legendary sex machine Rasputin, who wikipedia characterizes as "a saintly mystic, visionary, healer, and prophet, and, on the other side of the coin, as a debauched religious charlatan," though Boney M simplifies it by simply telling us "it was a shame how he carried on."

Dexter forces me to reevaluate my morals

So my mom has recently been really into, and has convinced me to watch, the Showtime show "Dexter," which is about a serial killer/vigilante type... thing... dude. Guy. Anyway, I have been watching this show, and I'm only five or six episodes in but already I can feel my moral fibers crumbling in confusion. Am I supposed to root for this guy or what? He is a sociopath and a killer, but he means well. And he only kills bad guys (reminding me of my favorite line in True Lies where he tries to justify having killed people by saying in that silly Austrian accent "... but they were all bad!") That is what Dexter is like, but even more convincingly human than the Terminator, even though we KNOW he's faking it.

My biggest problem with the show, then, is that it's making me question the people around me. I feel like I can't trust anyone anymore, because they might just be faking their emotions to hide the fact that they are sociopathic bloodlusters? I feel like I would be an easy target for that kind of criminal behavior, because I talk all the time. It would be pretty easy to blend into an area on my friendship spectrum where I would never question your late-night activities or the discrepancies of your character. It could be happening right now! I could be next!

I remember seeing on CNN at work one time a clip about some creepo sex offender, and they showed his picture and he was smiling normally, on the handsome side of average , and I got really freaked out. Usually I am comfortable in the conception that I would be able to spot a creep instantly due to some sort of obvious giveaway, like wonky eyes and lecherous looks, a sneer or really soft hands. But normal people? Creepster! They're all around us! I can't even handle it.

That being said, Dexter is a pretty good show. Sometimes I think they overdo it a little with the inner monologuing - he repeats every five or so minutes that he doesn't have feelings, but we kind of get it already, what with the killing. I llike the cast though, and the liberal use of cuss words (it's Showtime!). I also really like the fact that the show takes place in Miami, and all of the characters sweat profusely. Now that's attention to detail.