Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wanted: Better Script

The new preview for Wanted is out - you can check it out here.

Angie is just going through the motions here. At first I thought this was another Tomb Raider movie and I thought it was hilarious that they had given up completely on any semblance of a British accent. Her breasts are saying plenty! Whatever, apparently this is something new, which is actually nothing new! They are going for some serious stylization here and while it worked when they started doing it years ago it has pretty much been played out. Nobody believes that you can sit your way into a moving car like that, and following a bullet's path is ughhhhhhhhhhh way too much like that Korn video I used to watch. Does anyone remember that? That shit was crazy. Not anymore though, we've moved on. I feel like every other movie I see involves some sort of completely unnecessary CGI tracking shot that zooms in really close on something that we do NOT need to see. There's always like a super close-up of the pores on the main characters arm after he runs really fast, like... we get it, he's sweating. Let the audience do the BARE minimum of work to understand what is happening please. I swear I would not be surprised if they had voice-overs in movies explaining what people were feeling and thinking, just so no one would have to bother to try and make it clear in the script or acting.

Also, I can't say I've ever been asked, but why in movies like this are people always so easily swayed into the life of an assassin? Like I am supposed to believe that you will be involved in one shootout in a pharmacy and all of a sudden you're going to be like "hey, let's shoot around hunks of meat and drive fast and kiss hot chicks and" wait I'm convincing myself.

It will probably be a shitty movie. Like I care!! I am still going to go see this movie and will probably love it. Angie and James McAvoy are hot hot hot. James McAvoy was working it in Last King of Scotland (less in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe but everyone makes mistakes) Is seeing them kiss at the multiplex worth my 9 dollars? Probably not, but I'll be spending it anyway.

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